The Graph Menu

This menu is only active when a plot window is selected.

Graph -> Add/Remove Curves... (Alt-C)

Opens the Add/Remove Curves... dialog, allowing to easily add or remove curves from the active plot layer. This dialog can also be used to modify a curve which is already plotted by changing the columns which are used as X or Y values.

Graph -> Add Error Bars... (Ctrl-B)

Opens the Add Error Bars... dialog. You can add error bars on X and/or on Y values on an existing plot.

Graph -> Add Function... (Ctrl-Alt-F)

Opens the Add Function... dialog. This command allows to add a a new curve on an existing plot.

Graph -> New Legend (Ctrl-L)

Adds a new legend object to the active plot layer. You can have more than one legend on a plot. These legends can then be customized by double clicking on a given legend.

Graph -> Add Text (Alt-T)

Opens a dialog allowing you to select whether the text is to be added to the active plot layer or on a new layer. The cursor changes to an edit text cursor. Next, you must click in the plot window to specify the position of the new text box. A text dialog will pop-up allowing you to type the new text to be displayed and all its properties (color, font, etc...)

Graph -> Draw Arrow (Ctrl-Alt-A)

Changes the active layer operation mode to the drawing mode. You must click on the layer canvas in order to specify the starting point for the new arrow, and then click once more to specify its ending point. You can edit the new arrow using the Arrow dialog. You can swith back to the normal operating mode by clicking the "Pointer" icon in the Plot toolbar.

Graph -> Draw Line (Ctrl-Alt-L)

Changes the active layer operation mode to the drawing mode. You must click on the layer canvas in order to specify the starting point for the new arrow, and then click once more to specify its ending point. You can edit the new arrow using the line dialog. You can swith back to the normal operating mode by clicking the "Pointer" icon in the Plot toolbar.

Graph -> Add Time Stamp (Ctrl-Alt-T)

This command is used to add a special label in the current plot which contains the current date and time. The properties of this label can be customized like any other label that is added by the Add Text command.

A timestamp label is not modified if the plot is modified, saved, etc.

Graph -> Add Image (Alt-I)

Opens a file dialog allowing you to select an image to be added to the active plot layer. Only a link to the image file will be saved into the project file and not the image itself. The new image is added to the left-top corner of the layer and can be moved by drag-and-drop.

Graph -> Add Layer (Alt-L)

Opens a dialog allowing you to select whether the new layer is to be added to the left-top corner of the plot window or to a best-guess position (based on a layer positioning algorithm in columns and rows).

Graph -> Remove Layer (Alt-R)

Deletes the active layer and prompts out a question dialog allowing you to choose whether the remaining layers should be automatically re-arranged or not.

Graph -> Arrange Layers (Alt-A)

Opens the Arrange layers dialog, allowing you to custom the layout of the active 2D plot window.