This is the complete list of members for Graph3D, including all inherited members.
addData(Table *table, const QString &colName) | Graph3D | slot |
addData(Table *table, int xcol, int ycol) | Graph3D | slot |
addData(Table *table, const QString &xColName, const QString &yColName) | Graph3D | slot |
addData(Table *table, const QString &xColName, const QString &yColName, double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr) | Graph3D | slot |
addData(Table *table, int xCol, int yCol, int zCol, int type) | Graph3D | slot |
addData(Table *table, int xCol, int yCol, int zCol, double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr) | Graph3D | slot |
addFunction(const QString &s, double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr) | Graph3D | slot |
addMatrixData(Matrix *m) | Graph3D | slot |
addMatrixData(Matrix *m, double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr) | Graph3D | slot |
adjustLabels(int val) | Graph3D | slot |
allocateData(int columns, int rows) | Graph3D | private |
alpha | Graph3D | private |
animate(bool on=true) | Graph3D | slot |
animation_redraw_wait | Graph3D | private |
askOnClose | MyWidget | protected |
askOnCloseEvent(bool ask) | MyWidget | inline |
aspect() | MyWidget | |
autoscale() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
axesCol | Graph3D | private |
axesColor() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
axesLabels() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
axisTickLengths() | Graph3D | slot |
Bars enum value | Graph3D | |
barsRad | Graph3D | private |
barsRadius() | Graph3D | slot |
bgCol | Graph3D | private |
bgColor() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
birthdate | MyWidget | protected |
birthDate() | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
Both enum value | MyWidget | |
boxedCrossHair() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
caption_policy | MyWidget | protected |
CaptionPolicy enum name | MyWidget | |
captionPolicy() | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
changeDataColumn(Table *table, const QString &colName) | Graph3D | slot |
changeEvent(QEvent *event) | MyWidget | protectedvirtual |
changeMatrix(Matrix *m) | Graph3D | slot |
changeTransparency(double t) | Graph3D | slot |
clearData() | Graph3D | slot |
closedWindow(MyWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) | MyWidget | |
col_ | Graph3D | private |
color_map | Graph3D | private |
colorMap() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
coneQuality() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
coneRadius() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
Cones enum value | Graph3D | |
conesQuality | Graph3D | private |
conesRad | Graph3D | private |
contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *e) | Graph3D | slot |
coordStyle() | Graph3D | slot |
copy(Graph3D *g) | Graph3D | slot |
copyImage() | Graph3D | slot |
crossHairBoxed | Graph3D | private |
crossHairLineWidth | Graph3D | private |
crossHairLinewidth() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
crossHairRad | Graph3D | private |
crossHairRadius() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
crossHairSmooth | Graph3D | private |
custom3DActions(QWidget *) | Graph3D | signal |
customPlotStyle(int style) | Graph3D | slot |
d_autoscale | Graph3D | private |
d_matrix | Graph3D | private |
d_timer | Graph3D | private |
deleteData(Qwt3D::Triple **data, int columns) | Graph3D | private |
Dots enum value | Graph3D | |
eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *e) | Graph3D | slot |
exportImage(const QString &fileName, int quality=100, bool transparent=false) | Graph3D | slot |
exportPDF(const QString &fileName) | Graph3D | virtualslot |
exportVector(const QString &fileName, const QString &fileType="pdf") | Graph3D | slot |
findBestLayout() | Graph3D | slot |
floorStyle() | Graph3D | slot |
folder() | MyWidget | inline |
formula() | Graph3D | slot |
fromColor | Graph3D | private |
func | Graph3D | |
getTable() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
Graph3D(const QString &label, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0) | Graph3D | |
gridCol | Graph3D | private |
gridColor() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
grids() | Graph3D | slot |
HairCross enum value | Graph3D | |
hasData() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
Hidden enum value | MyWidget | |
hiddenWindow(MyWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
ignoreFonts | Graph3D | private |
initCoord() | Graph3D | slot |
initPlot() | Graph3D | slot |
insertFunction(const QString &s, double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr) | Graph3D | slot |
insertNewData(Table *table, const QString &colName) | Graph3D | slot |
isAnimated() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
isLegendOn() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
isOrthogonal() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
Label enum value | MyWidget | |
labelColor() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
labels | Graph3D | private |
labelsCol | Graph3D | private |
labelsDist | Graph3D | private |
labelsDistance() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
legendMajorTicks | Graph3D | private |
legendOn | Graph3D | private |
matrix() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
maxDataColor() | Graph3D | slot |
Maximized enum value | MyWidget | |
meshCol | Graph3D | private |
meshColor() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
meshLineWidth() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
minDataColor() | Graph3D | slot |
Minimized enum value | MyWidget | |
modified() | Graph3D | signal |
modifiedWindow(QWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
MyWidget(const QString &label=QString(), QWidget *parent=0, const QString name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0) | MyWidget | |
Name enum value | MyWidget | |
name() | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
None enum value | Graph3D | |
Normal enum value | MyWidget | |
notifyChanges() | MyWidget | inline |
numbersFont() | Graph3D | slot |
numCol | Graph3D | private |
numColor() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
openColorMap(ColorVector &cv, QString fname) | Graph3D | slot |
parentFolder | MyWidget | protected |
plotAssociation | Graph3D | private |
plotStyle() | Graph3D | slot |
plotTitle() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
PlotType enum name | Graph3D | |
pointSize | Graph3D | private |
pointsSize() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
PointStyle enum name | Graph3D | |
pointStyle | Graph3D | private |
pointType() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
print() | Graph3D | virtualslot |
resetAxesLabels() | Graph3D | slot |
resetNonEmptyStyle() | Graph3D | slot |
resizedWindow(QWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) | Graph3D | slot |
resolution() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
restore(const QStringList &) | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
rotate() | Graph3D | slot |
rotationChanged(double, double, double) | Graph3D | slot |
saveAsTemplate(const QString &geometryInfo) | Graph3D | virtualslot |
saveToString(const QString &geometry) | Graph3D | virtualslot |
scaleChanged(double, double, double) | Graph3D | slot |
scaleFonts(double factor) | Graph3D | slot |
scaleLimits() | Graph3D | slot |
scaleTicks() | Graph3D | slot |
scaleType | Graph3D | private |
Scatter enum value | Graph3D | |
setAutoscale(bool on=true) | Graph3D | inlineslot |
setAxesLabels(const QStringList &lst) | Graph3D | slot |
setBackGrid(bool b) | Graph3D | slot |
setBarsPlot() | Graph3D | slot |
setBarsRadius(double rad) | Graph3D | slot |
setBirthDate(const QString &s) | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
setBoxed() | Graph3D | slot |
setCaptionPolicy(CaptionPolicy policy) | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
setCeilGrid(bool b) | Graph3D | slot |
setColors(const QStringList &colors) | Graph3D | slot |
setColors(const QColor &meshColor, const QColor &axesColor, const QColor &numColor, const QColor &labelColor, const QColor &bgColor, const QColor &gridColor) | Graph3D | slot |
setConesMesh() | Graph3D | slot |
setConesOptions(double rad, int quality) | Graph3D | slot |
setCrossMesh() | Graph3D | slot |
setCrossOptions(double rad, double linewidth, bool smooth, bool boxed) | Graph3D | slot |
setDataColorMap(const QString &fileName) | Graph3D | slot |
setDataColors(const QColor &cMax, const QColor &cMin) | Graph3D | slot |
setEmptyFloor() | Graph3D | slot |
setFilledMesh() | Graph3D | slot |
setFloorData() | Graph3D | slot |
setFloorGrid(bool b) | Graph3D | slot |
setFloorIsolines() | Graph3D | slot |
setFolder(Folder *f) | MyWidget | inline |
setFramed() | Graph3D | slot |
setFrontGrid(bool b) | Graph3D | slot |
setGrid(Qwt3D::SIDE s, bool b) | Graph3D | slot |
setGrid(int grids) | Graph3D | slot |
setHidden() | MyWidget | virtual |
setHiddenLineGrid() | Graph3D | slot |
setIgnoreFonts(bool ok) | Graph3D | inlineslot |
setLeftGrid(bool b) | Graph3D | slot |
setLineGrid() | Graph3D | slot |
setMaximized() | MyWidget | |
setMeshLineWidth(int lw) | Graph3D | slot |
setMinimized() | MyWidget | |
setName(const QString &s) | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
setNoAxes() | Graph3D | slot |
setNoGrid() | Graph3D | slot |
setNormal() | MyWidget | |
setNumbersFont(const QFont &font) | Graph3D | slot |
setNumbersFont(const QStringList &lst) | Graph3D | slot |
setOptions(bool legend, int r, int dist) | Graph3D | slot |
setOptions(const QStringList &lst) | Graph3D | slot |
setOrtho(bool on=true) | Graph3D | inlineslot |
setPlotAssociation(const QString &s) | Graph3D | inlineslot |
setPointOptions(double size, bool s) | Graph3D | slot |
setPointsMesh() | Graph3D | slot |
setResolution(int r) | Graph3D | slot |
setRightGrid(bool b) | Graph3D | slot |
setRotation(double xVal, double yVal, double zVal) | Graph3D | slot |
setScale(double xVal, double yVal, double zVal) | Graph3D | slot |
setShift(double xVal, double yVal, double zVal) | Graph3D | slot |
setSmoothMesh(bool smooth) | Graph3D | slot |
setStatus(Status s) | MyWidget | |
setStyle(Qwt3D::COORDSTYLE coord, Qwt3D::FLOORSTYLE floor, Qwt3D::PLOTSTYLE plot, Graph3D::PointStyle point) | Graph3D | slot |
setStyle(const QStringList &st) | Graph3D | slot |
setTickLengths(const QStringList &lst) | Graph3D | slot |
setTicks(const QStringList &options) | Graph3D | slot |
setTitle(const QStringList &lst) | Graph3D | slot |
setTitle(const QString &s, const QColor &color, const QFont &font) | Graph3D | slot |
setTitleFont(const QFont &font) | Graph3D | slot |
setTransparency(double t) | Graph3D | slot |
setWindowLabel(const QString &s) | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
setXAxisLabelFont(const QFont &fnt) | Graph3D | slot |
setXAxisLabelFont(const QStringList &lst) | Graph3D | slot |
setYAxisLabelFont(const QFont &fnt) | Graph3D | slot |
setYAxisLabelFont(const QStringList &lst) | Graph3D | slot |
setZAxisLabelFont(const QFont &fnt) | Graph3D | slot |
setZAxisLabelFont(const QStringList &lst) | Graph3D | slot |
setZoom(double val) | Graph3D | slot |
shiftChanged(double, double, double) | Graph3D | slot |
showColorLegend(bool show) | Graph3D | slot |
showContextMenu() | Graph3D | signal |
showOptionsDialog() | Graph3D | signal |
showTitleBarMenu() | MyWidget | signal |
showWorksheet() | Graph3D | slot |
smooth | Graph3D | private |
smoothCrossHair() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
smoothMesh | Graph3D | private |
smoothPoints() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
sp | Graph3D | |
status() | MyWidget | inline |
Status enum name | MyWidget | |
statusChanged(MyWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
style_ | Graph3D | private |
title | Graph3D | private |
titleBar | MyWidget | protected |
titleCol | Graph3D | private |
titleColor() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
titleFnt | Graph3D | private |
titleFont() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
toColor | Graph3D | private |
Trajectory enum value | Graph3D | |
transparency() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
update() | Graph3D | slot |
updateBars(double rad) | Graph3D | slot |
updateCaption() | MyWidget | protectedslot |
updateColors(const QColor &meshColor, const QColor &axesColor, const QColor &numColor, const QColor &labelColor, const QColor &bgColor, const QColor &gridColor) | Graph3D | slot |
updateCones(double rad, int quality) | Graph3D | slot |
updateCross(double rad, double linewidth, bool smooth, bool boxed) | Graph3D | slot |
updateData(Table *table) | Graph3D | slot |
updateDataXY(Table *table, int xCol, int yCol) | Graph3D | slot |
updateDataXYZ(Table *table, int xCol, int yCol, int zCol) | Graph3D | slot |
updateLabel(int axis, const QString &label, const QFont &f) | Graph3D | slot |
updateMatrixData(Matrix *m) | Graph3D | slot |
updatePoints(double size, bool sm) | Graph3D | slot |
updateScale(int axis, const QStringList &options) | Graph3D | slot |
updateScales(double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr) | Graph3D | slot |
updateScales(double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr, int xcol, int ycol) | Graph3D | slot |
updateScales(double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr, int xCol, int yCol, int zCol) | Graph3D | slot |
updateScalesFromMatrix(double xl, double xr, double yl, double yr, double zl, double zr) | Graph3D | slot |
updateScaling(double xVal, double yVal, double zVal) | Graph3D | slot |
updateTickLength(int, double majorLength, double minorLength) | Graph3D | slot |
updateTitle(const QString &s, const QColor &color, const QFont &font) | Graph3D | slot |
updateZoom(double val) | Graph3D | slot |
userFunction() | Graph3D | slot |
VerticalBars enum value | Graph3D | |
w_label | MyWidget | protected |
w_status | MyWidget | protected |
windowLabel() | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
worksheet | Graph3D | private |
xAxisLabelFont() | Graph3D | slot |
xRotation() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
xScale() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
xShift() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
xStart() | Graph3D | slot |
xStop() | Graph3D | slot |
yAxisLabelFont() | Graph3D | slot |
yRotation() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
yScale() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
yShift() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
yStart() | Graph3D | slot |
yStop() | Graph3D | slot |
zAxisLabelFont() | Graph3D | slot |
zoom() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
zoomChanged(double) | Graph3D | slot |
zRotation() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
zScale() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
zShift() | Graph3D | inlineslot |
zStart() | Graph3D | slot |
zStop() | Graph3D | slot |
~Graph3D() | Graph3D |