_traceback | |
AbstractAspect | Base class of all persistent objects in a Project |
AbstractImportFilter | Interface for import operations |
ActionManager | Manages QActions and their shortcuts |
ActionManagerOwner | A module (typically a PartMaker) that has an ActionManager |
AspectCaptionSpecChangeCmd | |
AspectChildMoveCmd | |
AspectChildRemoveCmd | |
AspectChildReparentCmd | |
AspectCommentChangeCmd | |
AspectCreationTimeChangeCmd | |
AspectNameChangeCmd | |
AssociationsDialog | Plot associations dialog |
AxesDialog | General plot options dialog |
Bar | 3D bars (modifed enrichment from QwtPlot3D) |
CanvasPicker | Handles parts of the user interaction for a Plot by registering itself as an event filter for its QwtPlotCanvas |
ColorBox | A combo box to select a standard color |
ColorButton | A button used for color selection |
ColorMapEditor | |
ColumnClearCmd | |
ColumnClearFormulasCmd | |
ColumnClearMasksCmd | |
ColumnClearValidityCmd | |
ColumnFullCopyCmd | |
ColumnInsertEmptyRowsCmd | |
ColumnPartialCopyCmd | |
ColumnRemoveRowsCmd | |
ColumnReplaceDateTimesCmd | |
ColumnReplaceTextsCmd | |
ColumnReplaceValuesCmd | |
ColumnSetDateTimeCmd | |
ColumnSetFormulaCmd | |
ColumnSetInvalidCmd | |
ColumnSetMaskedCmd | |
ColumnSetModeCmd | |
ColumnSetPlotDesignationCmd | |
ColumnSetTextCmd | |
ColumnSetValueCmd | |
Cone3D | 3D cone class (based on QwtPlot3D) |
ConfigDialog | Preferences dialog |
ConfigPageMaker | A module with application-wide settings |
ConfigPageWidget | Widget for configuration pages that has an apply slot |
CurveLayout | Structure containing curve layout parameters |
CurveRangeDialog | Curve range dialog |
CurvesDialog | Add/remove curves dialog |
CurveTreeItem | CurveTreeItem tree widget item class |
DataPointPicker | Let the user pick single data points from a plot |
DataSetDialog | Multi purpose dialog for choosing a data set |
DateTime2StringFilterSetFormatCmd | |
DiffData | |
Double2StringFilterSetDigitsCmd | |
Double2StringFilterSetFormatCmd | |
EmptySourceError | |
ErrDialog | Add error bars dialog |
ExpDecayDialog | Fit exponential decay dialog |
ExportDialog | Export ASCII dialog |
ExtensibleFileDialog | QFileDialog plus generic extension support |
FFTDialog | Fast Fourier transform options dialog |
FileFormat | Factory for import/export filters |
Filter | Abstract base class for data analysis operations |
FilterDialog | Filter options dialog |
FilterMaker | Factory for filters |
FindDialog | Find dialog |
FitData | Structure for fitting data |
FitDialog | Fit Wizard |
Folder | Folder for the project explorer |
FolderListItem | Folders list item class |
FolderListView | Folder list view class |
FunctionDialog | Function dialog |
Graph | A 2D-plotting widget |
Grid | 2D Grid class |
ImageDialog | Image geometry dialog |
ImportOPJ | Origin project import class |
IntDialog | Integration options dialog |
InterpolationDialog | Interpolation options dialog |
IntervalAttribute< T > | A class representing an interval-based attribute |
IntervalAttribute< bool > | A class representing an interval-based attribute (bool version) |
IntervalBase< T > | |
IntervalBase< double > | |
IntervalBase< float > | |
IntervalBase< long double > | |
LayerButton | Button with layer number |
LayerDialog | Arrange layers dialog |
LayerItem | LayerItem tree widget item class |
LineDialog | Line options dialog |
MuParserScripting::mathFunction | |
MatrixClearCmd | |
MatrixClearColumnCmd | |
MatrixData | |
MatrixInsertColumnsCmd | |
MatrixInsertRowsCmd | |
MatrixMirrorHorizontallyCmd | |
MatrixMirrorVerticallyCmd | |
MatrixModel | Model for the access to a Matrix |
MatrixRemoveColumnsCmd | |
MatrixRemoveRowsCmd | |
MatrixSetCellValueCmd | |
MatrixSetColumnCellsCmd | |
MatrixSetCoordinatesCmd | |
MatrixSetDigitsCmd | |
MatrixSetFormatCmd | |
MatrixSetFormulaCmd | |
MatrixSetRowCellsCmd | |
MatrixTransposeCmd | |
MatrixViewWidget | Helper class for MatrixView |
MyParser | Mathematical parser class based on muParser |
MyWidget | Base class of all MDI client windows |
PartMaker | Factory for AbstractPart objects |
PartMdiView | MDI sub window that implements functions common to all aspect views |
PatternBox | Pattern combo box |
Plot | Plot window class |
Plot3DDialog | Surface plot options dialog |
PlotCurve | Abstract 2D plot curve class |
PlotDialog | Custom plot/curves dialog |
PlotEnrichement | Draw images on a QwtPlot |
PlotToolInterface | |
PlotWizard | A wizard type dialog class to create new plots |
PolynomFitDialog | Fit polynomial dialog |
future::Table::Private | |
Column::Private | Private data class of Column |
future::Matrix::Private | |
Project::Private | |
AbstractAspect::Private | Private data managed by AbstractAspect |
QwtSingleArrayData | Single array data (extension to QwtData) |
RenameWindowDialog | Rename window dialog |
ScaleDraw | Extension to QwtScaleDraw |
ScalePicker | Handles user interaction with a QwtScaleWidget |
SciDAVis | Definition of global constants and enums |
Script | A chunk of scripting code. Abstract |
scripted | Interface for maintaining a reference to the current ScriptingEnv |
ScriptingChangeEvent | Notify an object that it should update its scripting environment (see class scripted) |
ScriptingEnv | An interpreter for evaluating scripting code. Abstract |
ScriptingLangManager::ScriptingLang | |
ScriptingLangManager | Keeps a static list of available interpreters and instantiates them on demand |
SelectionMoveResizer | Handler for modifying one or more QWidget and/or QwtPlotMarker with mouse or keyboard |
SmoothCurveDialog | Smoothing options dialog |
future::SortDialog | Sorting options dialog |
Spectrogram | |
String2DateTimeFilterSetFormatCmd | |
SurfaceDialog | Define surface plot dialog |
SymbolBox | Plot symbol combo box |
SymbolDialog | Tools window to select special text characters |
TableCommentsHeaderModel | Model class wrapping a TableModel to display column comments in a TableCommentsHeaderView |
TableCommentsHeaderView | Slave header for TableDoubleHeaderView |
TableDoubleHeaderView | Horizontal header for TableView displaying comments in a second header |
TableInsertColumnsCmd | |
TableItemDelegate | Item delegate for TableView |
TableModel | Model for the access to a Table |
TableMoveColumnCmd | |
TableRemoveColumnsCmd | |
TableSetNumberOfRowsCmd | |
TableViewWidget | Helper class for TableView |
TeXTableSettings | TeXTableSettings class |
TeXTableSettingsWidget | TeXTableSettingsWidget class |
TextDialog | Options dialog for text labels/axes labels |
TextFormatButtons | Widget with text format buttons (connected to a QTextEdit) |
TitlePicker | |
UserFunction | Class for user defined functions |
WindowListItem | Windows list item class |
XmlElementAspectMaker | Factory that creates an aspect out of an XML element |
XmlStreamReader | XML stream parser that supports errors as well as warnings |