This is the complete list of members for TableStatistics, including all inherited members.
aboutToRemoveCol(const QString &) | Table | signal |
activateFormulaMode(bool on) | TableView | slot |
addCol(SciDAVis::PlotDesignation pd=SciDAVis::Y) | Table | slot |
addColumns(int c) | Table | slot |
addFunction() | Table | protectedslot |
addReference() | Table | protectedslot |
advanceCell() | TableView | protectedslot |
applyDescription() | TableView | protectedslot |
applyFormula() | Table | protectedslot |
applyType() | TableView | protectedslot |
areCommentsShown() const | TableView | |
askOnClose | MyWidget | protected |
askOnCloseEvent(bool ask) | MyWidget | inline |
aspect() | MyWidget | |
base() const | TableStatistics | inline |
birthdate | MyWidget | protected |
birthDate() | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
Both enum value | MyWidget | |
caption_policy | MyWidget | protected |
CaptionPolicy enum name | MyWidget | |
captionPolicy() | MyWidget | inlinevirtual |
cell(int row, int col) | Table | slot |
changedColHeader(const QString &, const QString &) | Table | signal |
changeEvent(QEvent *event) | TableView | protectedvirtual |
clear() | Table | slot |
clearCell(int row, int col) | Table | slot |
clearCol() | Table | slot |
clearSelection() | Table | slot |
closedWindow(MyWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) | Table | |
colComment(int col) | Table | slot |
colComments() | Table | slot |
colIndex(const QString &name) | Table | slot |
colLabel(int col) | Table | slot |
colName(int col) | Table | slot |
colNames() | Table | slot |
colPlotDesignation(int col) | Table | slot |
ColType enum name | Table | |
column(int index) const | Table | inlineslot |
column(const QString &name) const | Table | inlineslot |
columnCount() | Table | slot |
columnFormat(int col) | Table | slot |
columnsList() | Table | slot |
columnType(int col) | Table | slot |
columnTypes() | Table | slot |
columnWidth(int col) | Table | slot |
TableView::columnWidth(int col) const | TableView | |
colX(int col) | Table | slot |
colY(int col) | Table | slot |
commentsEnabled() | Table | slot |
copy(Table *m) | Table | slot |
copySelection() | Table | slot |
currentColumnChanged(const QModelIndex ¤t, const QModelIndex &previous) | TableView | protectedslot |
customEvent(QEvent *e) | Table | slot |
cutSelection() | Table | slot |
d_base | TableStatistics | private |
d_control_tabs | TableView | protected |
d_delegate | TableView | protected |
d_future_table | Table | |
d_hide_button | TableView | protected |
d_horizontal_header | TableView | protected |
d_main_layout | TableView | protected |
d_model | TableView | protected |
d_table | TableView | protected |
d_targets | TableStatistics | private |
d_type | TableStatistics | private |
d_view_widget | TableView | protected |
Date enum value | Table | |
DateTime enum value | Table | |
Day enum value | Table | |
deleteSelectedRows() | Table | slot |
deselect() | Table | slot |
deselectAll() | TableView | slot |
drawableColumnSelection() | Table | slot |
eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) | TableStatistics | protected |
exportASCII(const QString &fname, const QString &separator, bool withLabels=false, bool exportSelection=false) | Table | slot |
exportPDF(const QString &fileName) | Table | virtualslot |
firstSelectedColumn(bool full=false) | TableView | |
firstSelectedRow(bool full=false) | TableView | |
firstXCol() | Table | slot |
folder() | MyWidget | inline |
formulaModeActive() const | TableView | |
getCurrentCell(int *row, int *col) | TableView | |
goToCell(int row, int col) | TableView | slot |
goToNextColumn() | TableView | slot |
goToPreviousColumn() | TableView | slot |
handleAspectAboutToBeRemoved(const AbstractAspect *aspect, int index) | TableView | protectedslot |
handleAspectAdded(const AbstractAspect *aspect) | TableView | protectedslot |
handleAspectDescriptionAboutToChange(const AbstractAspect *aspect) | Table | protectedslot |
handleAspectDescriptionChange(const AbstractAspect *aspect) | Table | protectedslot |
handleAspectDescriptionChanged(const AbstractAspect *aspect) | TableView | protectedslot |
handleChange() | Table | slot |
handleColumnChange(int, int) | Table | slot |
handleColumnChange(int, int, int, int) | Table | slot |
handleColumnsAboutToBeRemoved(int, int) | Table | slot |
handleColumnsRemoved(int, int) | Table | slot |
handleFormatLineEditChange() | TableView | protectedslot |
handleHeaderDataChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last) | TableView | protectedslot |
handleHorizontalHeaderDoubleClicked(int index) | TableView | protectedslot |
handleHorizontalSectionMoved(int index, int from, int to) | TableView | protectedslot |
handleHorizontalSectionResized(int logicalIndex, int oldSize, int newSize) | TableView | slot |
handleRowChange() | Table | slot |
Hidden enum value | MyWidget | |
hiddenWindow(MyWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
importASCII(const QString &fname, const QString &sep, int ignoredLines, bool renameCols, bool stripSpaces, bool simplifySpaces, bool newTable) | Table | slot |
importV0x0001XXHeader(QStringList header) | Table | slot |
init() | Table | slot |
insertCol() | Table | slot |
insertCols(int start, int count) | Table | slot |
insertRow() | Table | slot |
isCellSelected(int row, int col) | TableView | |
isColumnSelected(int col, bool full=false) | TableView | |
isControlTabBarVisible() | TableView | inline |
isRowSelected(int row, bool full=false) | TableView | |
Label enum value | MyWidget | |
lastSelectedColumn(bool full=false) | TableView | |
lastSelectedRow(bool full=false) | TableView | |
Maximized enum value | MyWidget | |
Minimized enum value | MyWidget | |
modifiedData(Table *, const QString &) | Table | signal |
modifiedWindow(QWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
Month enum value | Table | |
MyWidget(const QString &label=QString(), QWidget *parent=0, const QString name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0) | MyWidget | |
name() | Table | inlinevirtual |
Name enum value | MyWidget | |
Normal enum value | MyWidget | |
notifyChanges() | MyWidget | inline |
noXColumn() | Table | slot |
noYColumn() | Table | slot |
numCols() | Table | slot |
Numeric enum value | Table | |
numRows() | Table | slot |
numSelectedRows() | Table | slot |
parentFolder | MyWidget | protected |
pasteSelection() | Table | slot |
plotDesignations() | Table | slot |
print() | Table | virtualslot |
print(const QString &fileName) | Table | slot |
recalculate(int col, bool only_selected_rows=true) | Table | slot |
recalculate() | Table | slot |
removeCol(const QString &) | TableStatistics | slot |
Table::removeCol() | Table | slot |
Table::removeCol(const QStringList &list) | Table | slot |
removedCol(const QString &) | Table | signal |
renameCol(const QString &, const QString &) | TableStatistics | slot |
rereadSectionSizes() | TableView | slot |
resizedTable(QWidget *) | Table | signal |
resizedWindow(QWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
restore(const QStringList &lst) | Table | virtualslot |
retranslateStrings() | TableView | protected |
rowCount() | Table | slot |
saveAsTemplate(const QString &geometryInfo) | Table | virtualslot |
saveColumnTypes() | Table | slot |
saveColumnWidths() | Table | slot |
saveCommands() | Table | slot |
saveComments() | Table | slot |
saveHeader() | Table | slot |
saveToDevice(QIODevice *device, const QString &geometry) | Table | slot |
saveToString(const QString &geometry) | TableStatistics | virtual |
scripted(ScriptingEnv *env) | scripted | |
scriptEnv | scripted | protected |
scriptingChangeEvent(ScriptingChangeEvent *) | scripted | |
selectAll() | TableView | slot |
selectAllTable() | Table | slot |
selectedColsNumber() | Table | slot |
selectedColumnCount(bool full=false) | TableView | |
selectedColumnCount(SciDAVis::PlotDesignation pd) | TableView | |
selectedColumns() | Table | slot |
TableView::selectedColumns(bool full=false) | TableView | |
selectedErrColumns() | Table | slot |
selectedRowCount(bool full=false) | TableView | |
selectedRows(bool full=false) | TableView | |
selectedYColumns() | Table | slot |
selectedYLabels() | Table | slot |
selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected) | TableView | protectedslot |
setBackgroundColor(const QColor &col) | Table | slot |
setBirthDate(const QString &s) | Table | inlinevirtual |
setCaptionPolicy(CaptionPolicy policy) | Table | inlinevirtual |
setCell(int row, int col, double val) | Table | slot |
setCellSelected(int row, int col, bool select=true) | TableView | |
setCellsSelected(int first_row, int first_col, int last_row, int last_col, bool select=true) | TableView | |
setColComment(int col, const QString &s) | Table | slot |
setColComments(const QStringList &lst) | Table | slot |
setColName(int col, const QString &text) | Table | slot |
setColPlotDesignation(int col, SciDAVis::PlotDesignation d) | Table | slot |
setColumnForControlTabs(int col) | TableView | protected |
setColumnType(int col, SciDAVis::ColumnMode mode) | Table | slot |
setColumnTypes(QList< int > ctl) | Table | slot |
setColumnTypes(const QStringList &ctl) | Table | slot |
setColumnWidth(int col, int width) | TableView | |
setColWidths(const QStringList &widths) | Table | slot |
setCommand(int col, const QString &com) | Table | slot |
setCommands(const QStringList &com) | Table | slot |
setCommands(const QString &com) | Table | slot |
setFolder(Folder *f) | MyWidget | inline |
setHeader(QStringList header) | Table | slot |
setHeaderColor(const QColor &col) | Table | slot |
setHeaderFont(const QFont &fnt) | Table | slot |
setHidden() | MyWidget | virtual |
setMaximized() | MyWidget | |
setMinimized() | MyWidget | |
setName(const QString &s) | Table | inlinevirtual |
setNormal() | MyWidget | |
setNumCols(int cols) | Table | slot |
setNumericPrecision(int prec) | Table | |
setNumRows(int rows) | Table | slot |
setPlotDesignation(SciDAVis::PlotDesignation pd) | Table | slot |
setStatus(Status s) | MyWidget | |
setText(int row, int col, const QString &text) | Table | slot |
setTextColor(const QColor &col) | Table | slot |
setTextFont(const QFont &fnt) | Table | slot |
setWindowLabel(const QString &s) | Table | inlinevirtual |
showComments(bool on=true) | TableView | |
showContextMenu(bool selection) | Table | signal |
showControlDescriptionTab() | TableView | slot |
showControlFormulaTab() | TableView | slot |
showControlTypeTab() | TableView | slot |
showTitleBarMenu() | MyWidget | signal |
StatColumn enum value | TableStatistics | |
StatRow enum value | TableStatistics | |
status() | MyWidget | inline |
Status enum name | MyWidget | |
statusChanged(MyWidget *) | MyWidget | signal |
Table(ScriptingEnv *env, const QString &fname, const QString &sep, int ignoredLines, bool renameCols, bool stripSpaces, bool simplifySpaces, bool convertToNumeric, QLocale numericFormat, const QString &label, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0) | Table | |
Table(ScriptingEnv *env, int r, int c, const QString &label, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0) | Table | |
TableStatistics(ScriptingEnv *env, QWidget *parent, Table *base, Type, QList< int > targets) | TableStatistics | |
TableView(future::Table *table) | TableView | |
Text enum value | Table | |
text(int row, int col) | Table | slot |
Time enum value | Table | |
titleBar | MyWidget | protected |
toggleComments() | TableView | slot |
toggleControlTabBar() | TableView | slot |
Type enum name | TableStatistics | |
type() const | TableStatistics | inline |
ui | TableView | protected |
update(Table *, const QString &colName) | TableStatistics | slot |
updateCaption() | MyWidget | protectedslot |
updateFormatBox() | TableView | protectedslot |
updateFunctionDoc() | Table | protectedslot |
updateTypeInfo() | TableView | protectedslot |
verticalHeaderWidth() | Table | slot |
w_label | MyWidget | protected |
w_status | MyWidget | protected |
windowLabel() | Table | inlinevirtual |
YColumns() | Table | slot |
~scripted() | scripted | |
~TableView() | TableView | virtual |