The Format Menu

This menu is only active when a plot is selected.


In the case of a classical 2D plot, opens the format plot dialog with the general plot options tab selected. It allows to customize the line styles and colors of plot frame, etc.

In the case of a surface plot, this command opens the surface plot options with the general plot options tab selected. In this case the aspect ratio of the plot can also be modified.


Opens the Custom Curves dialog. It allows to customize the line style and colors used to draw curves.

If the selected plot is a surface plot, this menu item is not showed.


Opens the format plot dialog with the scales tab selected. It allows to customize the ranges of the differents axes. It must be reminded that any modification in the table or in the plotted curves will result in a reset of these scales to the default values.

In the case of a surface plot, this command opens the surface plot options with the scales options tab selected.


Opens the format plot dialog with the axes tab selected. It allows to customize the settings for the different axes such as the size and color of axes and ticks, the label of the axes, etc.

In the case of a surface plot, this command opens the surface plot options with the axis options tab selected.


Opens the format plot dialog with the grid tab selected. It allows to add and customize grid lines on the different axes.

If the selected plot is a surface plot, this menu item is not showed.


Opens a text options dialog, allowing you to modify the title of the plot and its properties (color, font, alignement).

In the case of a surface plot, this command opens the surface plot options with the title options tab selected.