This dialog is activated by selecting the command Arrange Layers from the Graph Menu or by the key code Alt-A.
It allows to modify the geometrical arrangement of the plots which are already present in the active window. You can also add new layers or remove existing ones.
The Arrange Layers dialog is used to modify the geometrical arrangement of the plots. You can specify the numbers of rows and columns which will define a table of plots. As pointed out above, you can also add or remove layers with this dialog, using the "Number of Layers" box.
With the default setting, SciDAVis computes the size of the layers from the size of the window. If you check the Layer Canvas Size, you can set the size of the layers and SciDAVis will modify the size of the window.
The two right zones allow to set the alignement of the layers in the window, and the margins between the layer borders and the window limits.
If you do some modifications on your plot, the alignment of the different axis may not be conserved. You can exec again the Arrange Layers to re-arrange your plot.