An MDI window (MyWidget) managing one or more Graph objects. More...
#include <MultiLayer.h>
Public Types | |
enum | HorAlignement { HCenter, Left, Right } |
enum | VertAlignement { VCenter, Top, Bottom } |
![]() | |
enum | CaptionPolicy { Name = 0, Label = 1, Both = 2 } |
Possible window captions. More... | |
enum | Status { Hidden = -1, Normal = 0, Minimized = 1, Maximized = 2 } |
Public Slots | |
void | activateGraph (LayerButton *button) |
Graph * | activeGraph () |
Graph * | addLayer (int x=0, int y=0, int width=0, int height=0) |
void | addTextLayer (int f, const QFont &font, const QColor &textCol, const QColor &backgroundCol) |
Start adding a text layer. | |
void | addTextLayer (const QPoint &pos) |
Finish adding a text layer. | |
void | adjustSize () |
QSize | arrangeLayers (bool userSize) |
void | arrangeLayers (bool fit, bool userSize) |
int | bottomMargin () |
int | colsSpacing () |
void | confirmRemoveLayer () |
void | connectLayer (Graph *g) |
void | findBestLayout (int &rows, int &cols) |
int | getCols () |
int | getRows () |
int | horizontalAlignement () |
bool | isEmpty () |
QSize | layerCanvasSize () |
int | layers () |
int | leftMargin () |
void | removeLayer () |
int | rightMargin () |
int | rowsSpacing () |
QString | saveAsTemplate (const QString &geometryInfo) |
QString | saveToString (const QString &geometry) |
void | setActiveGraph (Graph *g) |
void | setAlignement (int ha, int va) |
void | setCols (int c) |
void | setFonts (const QFont &titleFnt, const QFont &scaleFnt, const QFont &numbersFnt, const QFont &legendFnt) |
void | setGraphGeometry (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
void | setLayerCanvasSize (int w, int h) |
void | setLayersNumber (int n) |
void | setMargins (int lm, int rm, int tm, int bm) |
void | setRows (int r) |
void | setSpacing (int rgap, int cgap) |
int | topMargin () |
int | verticalAlignement () |
Print and Export | |
QPixmap | canvasPixmap () |
void | exportToFile (const QString &fileName) |
void | exportImage (const QString &fileName, int quality=100, bool transparent=false) |
void | exportSVG (const QString &fname) |
void | exportPDF (const QString &fname) |
void | exportVector (const QString &fileName, int res=0, bool color=true, bool keepAspect=true, QPrinter::PageSize pageSize=QPrinter::Custom, QPrinter::Orientation orientation=QPrinter::Portrait) |
void | copyAllLayers () |
void | print () |
void | printAllLayers (QPainter *painter) |
void | printActiveLayer () |
Signals | |
void | createIntensityTable (const QString &) |
void | createTable (const QString &, const QString &, QList< Column * >) |
void | cursorInfo (const QString &) |
void | drawLineEnded (bool) |
void | drawTextOff () |
void | modifiedPlot () |
void | pasteMarker () |
void | setPointerCursor () |
void | showAxisDialog (int) |
void | showCurveContextMenu (int) |
void | showCurvesDialog () |
void | showGeometryDialog () |
void | showGraphContextMenu () |
void | showImageDialog () |
void | showLayerButtonContextMenu () |
void | showLineDialog () |
void | showMarkerPopupMenu () |
void | showPlotDialog (int) |
void | showRightAxisTitleDialog () |
void | showScaleDialog (int) |
void | showTextDialog () |
void | showTopAxisTitleDialog () |
void | showWindowContextMenu () |
void | showXAxisTitleDialog () |
void | showYAxisTitleDialog () |
void | viewTitleDialog () |
![]() | |
void | closedWindow (MyWidget *) |
Emitted when the window was closed. | |
void | hiddenWindow (MyWidget *) |
Emitted when the window was hidden. | |
void | modifiedWindow (QWidget *) |
void | resizedWindow (QWidget *) |
void | showTitleBarMenu () |
Emitted when the title bar recieves a QContextMenuEvent. | |
void | statusChanged (MyWidget *) |
Emitted when the window status changed. |
Public Member Functions | |
LayerButton * | addLayerButton () |
void | copy (ApplicationWindow *parent, MultiLayer *ml) |
QWidgetList | graphPtrs () |
Graph * | layer (int num) |
QWidgetList | layerWidgets () const |
MultiLayer (const QString &label, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0) | |
void | printCropmarks (bool on) |
bool | printCropmarksEnabled () |
bool | scaleLayersOnPrint () |
void | setHidden () |
Notifies that a window was hidden by a direct user action. | |
void | setOpenMaximized () |
void | setScaleLayersOnPrint (bool on) |
Event Handlers | |
void | mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *) |
void | contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *) |
void | wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *) |
void | keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *) |
void | changeEvent (QEvent *) |
Catches parent changes (in order to gain access to the title bar) | |
bool | eventFilter (QObject *object, QEvent *) |
Filters other object's events (customizes title bar's context menu) | |
void | releaseLayer () |
bool | focusNextPrevChild (bool next) |
![]() | |
void | askOnCloseEvent (bool ask) |
Toggle the "ask on close" flag. | |
QString | aspect () |
Return the window status as a string. | |
virtual QString | birthDate () |
Return the creation date. | |
virtual CaptionPolicy | captionPolicy () |
Return the caption policy. | |
void | closeEvent (QCloseEvent *) |
Close event handler. | |
Folder * | folder () |
Returns the pointer to the parent folder of the window. | |
MyWidget (const QString &label=QString(), QWidget *parent=0, const QString name=0, Qt::WFlags f=0) | |
Constructor. | |
virtual QString | name () |
Return the window name. | |
void | notifyChanges () |
Notifies the main application that the window has been modified. | |
virtual void | restore (const QStringList &) |
Not implemented yet. | |
virtual void | setBirthDate (const QString &s) |
Set the creation date. | |
virtual void | setCaptionPolicy (CaptionPolicy policy) |
Set the caption policy. | |
void | setFolder (Folder *f) |
Initializes the pointer to the parent folder of the window. | |
void | setMaximized () |
void | setMinimized () |
virtual void | setName (const QString &s) |
Set the window name. | |
void | setNormal () |
void | setStatus (Status s) |
Set the window status flag (hidden, normal, minimized or maximized) | |
virtual void | setWindowLabel (const QString &s) |
Set the window label. | |
Status | status () |
Return the window status flag (hidden, normal, minimized or maximized) | |
virtual QString | windowLabel () |
Return the window label. |
Private Member Functions | |
void | resizeLayers (const QResizeEvent *re) |
void | resizeLayers (const QSize &size, const QSize &oldSize, bool scaleFonts) |
Private Attributes | |
Graph * | active_graph |
bool | addTextOn |
int | bottom_margin |
QWidgetList | buttonsList |
QWidget * | canvas |
int | cols |
int | colsSpace |
QPointer< SelectionMoveResizer > | d_layers_selector |
QSize | d_max_size |
Stores the size of the widget in the Qt::WindowMaximized state. | |
QSize | d_normal_size |
Stores the size of the widget in Qt::WindowNoState (normal state). | |
int | d_open_maximized |
bool | d_print_cropmarks |
bool | d_scale_on_print |
QColor | defaultTextMarkerBackground |
QColor | defaultTextMarkerColor |
QFont | defaultTextMarkerFont |
int | defaultTextMarkerFrame |
Used when adding text markers on new layers. | |
int | graph_height |
int | graph_width |
int | graphs |
Used for resizing of layers. | |
QWidgetList | graphsList |
int | hor_align |
int | l_canvas_height |
int | l_canvas_width |
QHBoxLayout * | layerButtonsBox |
int | left_margin |
int | right_margin |
int | rows |
int | rowsSpace |
int | top_margin |
int | vert_align |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
void | updateCaption () |
Set caption according to current CaptionPolicy, name and label. | |
![]() | |
bool | askOnClose |
Toggle on/off: Ask the user "delete, hide, or cancel?" on a close event. | |
QString | birthdate |
The creation date. | |
CaptionPolicy | caption_policy |
The caption policy. | |
Folder * | parentFolder |
Pointer to the parent folder of the window. | |
QWidget * | titleBar |
Title bar of this MDI window if it currently belongs to a QWorkspace, NULL else. | |
QString | w_label |
The window label. | |
Status | w_status |
The window status. |
An MDI window (MyWidget) managing one or more Graph objects.
Note that several parts of the code, as well as the user interface, refer to MultiLayer as "graph" or "plot", practically guaranteeing confusion with the classes Graph and Plot.
Manage any QWidget instead of only Graph. This would allow 3D graphs to be added as well, so you could produce mixed 2D/3D arrangements. It would also allow text labels to be added directly instead of having to complicate things by wrapping them up in a Graph (see documentation of ImageMarker for details) (see documentation of ImageMarker for details).
The main problem to be figured out for this is how Graph would interface with the rest of the project. A possible solution is outlined in the documentation of ApplicationWindow: If MultiLayer exposes its parent Project to the widgets it manages, they could handle things like creating tables by calling methods of Project instead of sending signals.
MultiLayer::MultiLayer | ( | const QString & | label, |
QWidget * | parent = 0 , |
const char * | name = 0 , |
Qt::WFlags | f = 0 |
) |
References active_graph, addTextOn, bottom_margin, canvas, cols, colsSpace, d_max_size, d_normal_size, d_open_maximized, d_print_cropmarks, d_scale_on_print, graph_height, graph_width, graphs, HCenter, hor_align, l_canvas_height, l_canvas_width, layerButtonsBox, left_margin, right_margin, rows, rowsSpace, MyWidget::setBirthDate(), MyWidget::setName(), top_margin, VCenter, and vert_align.
slot |
References active_graph, buttonsList, and graphsList.
Referenced by addLayerButton().
inlineslot |
References active_graph.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::addErrorBars(), ApplicationWindow::addImage(), Correlation::addResultCurve(), Convolution::addResultCurve(), ApplicationWindow::addText(), ApplicationWindow::addTimeStamp(), ApplicationWindow::copyMarker(), ApplicationWindow::copySelection(), ApplicationWindow::cutSelection(), ApplicationWindow::drawArrow(), ApplicationWindow::drawLine(), ApplicationWindow::fitMultiPeak(), ApplicationWindow::movePoints(), ApplicationWindow::newFunctionPlot(), ApplicationWindow::newLegend(), ApplicationWindow::newWrksheetPlot(), Differentiation::output(), FFT::output(), ApplicationWindow::pasteSelection(), ApplicationWindow::pickDataTool(), ApplicationWindow::removePoints(), ApplicationWindow::removeWindowFromLists(), ApplicationWindow::selectPlotType(), ApplicationWindow::setAutoScale(), PlotDialog::setMultiLayer(), ApplicationWindow::showCursor(), ApplicationWindow::showFitDialog(), ApplicationWindow::showGraphContextMenu(), ApplicationWindow::showLayerButtonContextMenu(), ApplicationWindow::showPlotGeometryDialog(), ApplicationWindow::showRangeSelectors(), ApplicationWindow::translateCurveHor(), ApplicationWindow::translateCurveVert(), ApplicationWindow::zoomIn(), and ApplicationWindow::zoomOut().
slot |
References active_graph, addLayerButton(), canvas, connectLayer(), graph_height, graph_width, graphsList, and Graph::plotWidget().
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::addLayer(), addTextLayer(), copy(), ImportOPJ::importGraphs(), ApplicationWindow::loadImage(), ApplicationWindow::multilayerPlot(), ApplicationWindow::newGraph(), ApplicationWindow::openGraph(), ApplicationWindow::pasteSelection(), ApplicationWindow::plotSpectrogram(), and setLayersNumber().
LayerButton * MultiLayer::addLayerButton | ( | ) |
References activateGraph(), buttonsList, graphs, layerButtonsBox, showCurvesDialog(), and showLayerButtonContextMenu().
Referenced by addLayer().
slot |
Start adding a text layer.
This works by having canvas grab the mouse, remembering that we are in the midst of adding text in addTextOn and dispatching the next mouse click to addTextLayer(const QPoint&) in eventFilter().
References addTextOn, canvas, defaultTextMarkerBackground, defaultTextMarkerColor, defaultTextMarkerFont, and defaultTextMarkerFrame.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::addText(), and eventFilter().
slot |
Finish adding a text layer.
An empty Graph is created and added to me. Legend, title and axes are removed and a new Legend is added with a placeholder text.
References addLayer(), addTextOn, canvas, defaultTextMarkerBackground, defaultTextMarkerColor, defaultTextMarkerFont, defaultTextMarkerFrame, drawTextOff(), Graph::enableAxes(), modifiedPlot(), Graph::newLegend(), Legend::rect(), Graph::removeLegend(), setGraphGeometry(), Graph::setIgnoreResizeEvents(), Graph::setTextMarkerDefaults(), and Graph::setTitle().
slot |
References LayerButton::btnSize(), and canvas.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::multilayerPlot(), and ApplicationWindow::newGraph().
slot |
References Graph::autoscaleFonts(), Bottom, bottom_margin, canvas, cols, colsSpace, graphs, graphsList, HCenter, hor_align, l_canvas_height, l_canvas_width, Left, left_margin, Graph::plotWidget(), Right, right_margin, rows, rowsSpace, Graph::setAutoscaleFonts(), Top, top_margin, VCenter, and vert_align.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::addLayer(), arrangeLayers(), ApplicationWindow::autoArrangeLayers(), confirmRemoveLayer(), ImportOPJ::importGraphs(), ApplicationWindow::multilayerPlot(), ApplicationWindow::newGraph(), and LayerDialog::update().
slot |
inlineslot |
References bottom_margin.
Referenced by copy(), and LayerDialog::setMultiLayer().
slot |
References canvas.
Referenced by copyAllLayers(), and exportImage().
virtual |
Catches parent changes (in order to gain access to the title bar)
Reimplemented from MyWidget.
References LayerButton::btnSize(), d_max_size, d_normal_size, and resizeLayers().
inlineslot |
References colsSpace.
Referenced by copy(), and LayerDialog::setMultiLayer().
slot |
References arrangeLayers(), graphs, and removeLayer().
slot |
References createIntensityTable(), createTable(), cursorInfo(), drawLineEnded(), drawTextOff(), modifiedPlot(), setActiveGraph(), showAxisDialog(), showCurveContextMenu(), showGraphContextMenu(), showImageDialog(), showLayerButtonContextMenu(), showLineDialog(), showMarkerPopupMenu(), showPlotDialog(), showRightAxisTitleDialog(), showScaleDialog(), showTextDialog(), showTopAxisTitleDialog(), showXAxisTitleDialog(), showYAxisTitleDialog(), and viewTitleDialog().
Referenced by addLayer().
void MultiLayer::contextMenuEvent | ( | QContextMenuEvent * | e | ) |
References showWindowContextMenu().
void MultiLayer::copy | ( | ApplicationWindow * | parent, |
MultiLayer * | ml | ||
) |
References addLayer(), Graph::autoscaleFonts(), bottomMargin(), colsSpacing(), Graph::copy(), graphPtrs(), graphsList, horizontalAlignement(), Graph::ignoresResizeEvents(), leftMargin(), rightMargin(), rowsSpacing(), setAlignement(), Graph::setAutoscaleFonts(), Graph::setIgnoreResizeEvents(), setMargins(), setSpacing(), topMargin(), and verticalAlignement().
slot |
References canvasPixmap(), d_layers_selector, and graphsList.
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by addTextLayer(), and connectLayer().
bool MultiLayer::eventFilter | ( | QObject * | object, |
QEvent * | e | ||
) |
Filters other object's events (customizes title bar's context menu)
Reimplemented from MyWidget.
References addTextLayer(), addTextOn, canvas, resizeLayers(), MyWidget::showTitleBarMenu(), and MyWidget::titleBar.
slot |
References canvasPixmap().
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::exportAllGraphs(), ApplicationWindow::exportGraph(), and exportToFile().
virtualslot |
Reimplemented from MyWidget.
References exportVector().
slot |
References canvas, graphsList, Graph::plotWidget(), and Graph::print().
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::exportAllGraphs(), ApplicationWindow::exportGraph(), and exportToFile().
slot |
References exportImage(), exportSVG(), and exportVector().
slot |
References canvas, graphsList, Graph::minPageSize(), MyWidget::name(), Graph::plotWidget(), and Graph::print().
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::exportAllGraphs(), ApplicationWindow::exportGraph(), exportPDF(), and exportToFile().
slot |
References graphs.
Referenced by arrangeLayers().
bool MultiLayer::focusNextPrevChild | ( | bool | next | ) |
References active_graph, and Graph::focusNextPrevChild().
inlineslot |
References cols.
Referenced by LayerDialog::setMultiLayer(), and LayerDialog::update().
inlineslot |
References rows.
Referenced by LayerDialog::setMultiLayer(), and LayerDialog::update().
inline |
References graphsList.
Referenced by PlotDialog::acceptParams(), PlotDialog::changeMargin(), copy(), ApplicationWindow::multilayerDependencies(), ApplicationWindow::multilayerPlot(), PlotDialog::pickBackgroundColor(), PlotDialog::pickBorderColor(), PlotDialog::pickCanvasColor(), PlotDialog::setMultiLayer(), ApplicationWindow::showCursor(), ApplicationWindow::showScreenReader(), PlotDialog::updateAntialiasing(), PlotDialog::updateBackgroundTransparency(), PlotDialog::updateBorder(), PlotDialog::updateCanvasTransparency(), and ApplicationWindow::zoomIn().
inlineslot |
References hor_align.
Referenced by copy(), and LayerDialog::setMultiLayer().
slot |
References graphs.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::addErrorBars(), ApplicationWindow::addImage(), ApplicationWindow::addText(), ApplicationWindow::addTimeStamp(), ApplicationWindow::drawArrow(), ApplicationWindow::drawLine(), ApplicationWindow::exportAllGraphs(), ApplicationWindow::exportGraph(), ApplicationWindow::fitMultiPeak(), ApplicationWindow::movePoints(), ApplicationWindow::newLegend(), ApplicationWindow::removePoints(), ApplicationWindow::setAutoScale(), ApplicationWindow::showCursor(), ApplicationWindow::showLayerDialog(), ApplicationWindow::showRangeSelectors(), ApplicationWindow::showScreenReader(), ApplicationWindow::translateCurveHor(), ApplicationWindow::translateCurveVert(), ApplicationWindow::zoomIn(), and ApplicationWindow::zoomOut().
void MultiLayer::keyPressEvent | ( | QKeyEvent * | e | ) |
References active_graph, d_layers_selector, graphsList, setActiveGraph(), and showWindowContextMenu().
Graph * MultiLayer::layer | ( | int | num | ) |
References graphsList.
Referenced by LayerDialog::update().
inlineslot |
References l_canvas_height, and l_canvas_width.
Referenced by LayerDialog::setMultiLayer(), and LayerDialog::update().
inlineslot |
inline |
References graphsList.
inlineslot |
References left_margin.
Referenced by copy(), and LayerDialog::setMultiLayer().
signal |
Referenced by addTextLayer(), arrangeLayers(), connectLayer(), mousePressEvent(), removeLayer(), resizeLayers(), setFonts(), setGraphGeometry(), setLayersNumber(), and wheelEvent().
void MultiLayer::mousePressEvent | ( | QMouseEvent * | e | ) |
References active_graph, canvas, d_layers_selector, graphsList, modifiedPlot(), and setActiveGraph().
signal |
virtualslot |
Reimplemented from MyWidget.
References MyWidget::aspect(), canvas, and printAllLayers().
slot |
slot |
References canvas, d_print_cropmarks, d_scale_on_print, graphsList, Graph::plotWidget(), and Graph::print().
Referenced by print().
inline |
References d_print_cropmarks.
Referenced by PlotDialog::acceptParams(), and ApplicationWindow::initMultilayerPlot().
inline |
References d_print_cropmarks.
Referenced by PlotDialog::setMultiLayer().
void MultiLayer::releaseLayer | ( | ) |
slot |
References active_graph, Graph::activeTool(), buttonsList, graphs, graphsList, modifiedPlot(), setPointerCursor(), and Graph::zoomOn().
Referenced by confirmRemoveLayer(), and ApplicationWindow::cutSelection().
private |
References bottom_margin, canvas, d_open_maximized, left_margin, right_margin, and top_margin.
Referenced by changeEvent(), eventFilter(), and setHidden().
private |
inlineslot |
References right_margin.
Referenced by copy(), and LayerDialog::setMultiLayer().
inlineslot |
References rowsSpace.
Referenced by copy(), and LayerDialog::setMultiLayer().
virtualslot |
Reimplemented from MyWidget.
References bottom_margin, cols, colsSpace, graphsList, hor_align, l_canvas_height, l_canvas_width, left_margin, right_margin, rows, rowsSpace, Graph::saveToString(), top_margin, and vert_align.
virtualslot |
Reimplemented from MyWidget.
References MyWidget::birthDate(), bottom_margin, MyWidget::captionPolicy(), cols, colsSpace, graphsList, hor_align, l_canvas_height, l_canvas_width, left_margin, MyWidget::name(), right_margin, rows, rowsSpace, Graph::saveToString(), top_margin, vert_align, and MyWidget::windowLabel().
inline |
References d_scale_on_print.
Referenced by PlotDialog::setMultiLayer().
slot |
References active_graph, buttonsList, d_layers_selector, and graphsList.
Referenced by connectLayer(), keyPressEvent(), and mousePressEvent().
slot |
References hor_align, and vert_align.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::appendProject(), copy(), ApplicationWindow::openProject(), and LayerDialog::update().
slot |
References cols.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::appendProject(), ApplicationWindow::multilayerPlot(), ApplicationWindow::openProject(), and LayerDialog::update().
slot |
References graphsList, modifiedPlot(), Graph::plotWidget(), Legend::setFont(), Graph::textMarker(), and Graph::textMarkerKeys().
Referenced by PlotDialog::acceptParams().
slot |
References active_graph, modifiedPlot(), and Graph::plotWidget().
Referenced by addTextLayer(), and ApplicationWindow::pasteSelection().
virtual |
Notifies that a window was hidden by a direct user action.
Reimplemented from MyWidget.
References d_max_size, d_normal_size, MyWidget::Maximized, resizeLayers(), and MyWidget::status().
slot |
References l_canvas_height, and l_canvas_width.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::appendProject(), ApplicationWindow::openProject(), and LayerDialog::update().
slot |
References active_graph, Graph::activeTool(), addLayer(), buttonsList, graphs, graphsList, modifiedPlot(), setPointerCursor(), and Graph::zoomOn().
Referenced by LayerDialog::update().
slot |
References bottom_margin, left_margin, right_margin, and top_margin.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::appendProject(), ApplicationWindow::autoArrangeLayers(), copy(), ApplicationWindow::openProject(), and LayerDialog::update().
inline |
References d_open_maximized.
signal |
Referenced by removeLayer(), and setLayersNumber().
slot |
References rows.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::appendProject(), ApplicationWindow::multilayerPlot(), ApplicationWindow::openProject(), and LayerDialog::update().
inline |
References d_scale_on_print.
Referenced by PlotDialog::acceptParams(), and ApplicationWindow::initMultilayerPlot().
slot |
References colsSpace, and rowsSpace.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::appendProject(), ApplicationWindow::autoArrangeLayers(), copy(), ApplicationWindow::openProject(), and LayerDialog::update().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by addLayerButton().
signal |
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by addLayerButton(), and connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyPressEvent().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
inlineslot |
References top_margin.
Referenced by copy(), and LayerDialog::setMultiLayer().
inlineslot |
References vert_align.
Referenced by copy(), and LayerDialog::setMultiLayer().
signal |
Referenced by connectLayer().
void MultiLayer::wheelEvent | ( | QWheelEvent * | e | ) |
References graphsList, modifiedPlot(), and Graph::plotWidget().
private |
private |
Referenced by addTextLayer(), eventFilter(), and MultiLayer().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), bottomMargin(), MultiLayer(), resizeLayers(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setMargins().
private |
Referenced by activateGraph(), addLayerButton(), removeLayer(), setActiveGraph(), and setLayersNumber().
private |
Referenced by addLayer(), addTextLayer(), adjustSize(), arrangeLayers(), canvasPixmap(), eventFilter(), exportSVG(), exportVector(), mousePressEvent(), MultiLayer(), print(), printAllLayers(), and resizeLayers().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), getCols(), MultiLayer(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setCols().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), colsSpacing(), MultiLayer(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setSpacing().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), copyAllLayers(), keyPressEvent(), mousePressEvent(), and setActiveGraph().
private |
Stores the size of the widget in the Qt::WindowMaximized state.
Referenced by changeEvent(), MultiLayer(), and setHidden().
private |
Stores the size of the widget in Qt::WindowNoState (normal state).
Referenced by changeEvent(), MultiLayer(), and setHidden().
private |
Referenced by MultiLayer(), resizeLayers(), and setOpenMaximized().
private |
Referenced by MultiLayer(), printActiveLayer(), printAllLayers(), printCropmarks(), and printCropmarksEnabled().
private |
Referenced by MultiLayer(), printActiveLayer(), printAllLayers(), scaleLayersOnPrint(), and setScaleLayersOnPrint().
private |
Referenced by addTextLayer().
private |
Referenced by addTextLayer().
private |
Referenced by addTextLayer().
private |
Used when adding text markers on new layers.
Referenced by addTextLayer().
private |
Referenced by addLayer(), and MultiLayer().
private |
Referenced by addLayer(), and MultiLayer().
private |
Used for resizing of layers.
Referenced by addLayerButton(), arrangeLayers(), confirmRemoveLayer(), findBestLayout(), isEmpty(), layers(), MultiLayer(), removeLayer(), and setLayersNumber().
private |
Referenced by activateGraph(), addLayer(), arrangeLayers(), copy(), copyAllLayers(), exportSVG(), exportVector(), graphPtrs(), keyPressEvent(), layer(), layerWidgets(), mousePressEvent(), printAllLayers(), removeLayer(), resizeLayers(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), setActiveGraph(), setFonts(), setLayersNumber(), and wheelEvent().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), horizontalAlignement(), MultiLayer(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setAlignement().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), layerCanvasSize(), MultiLayer(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setLayerCanvasSize().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), layerCanvasSize(), MultiLayer(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setLayerCanvasSize().
private |
Referenced by addLayerButton(), and MultiLayer().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), leftMargin(), MultiLayer(), resizeLayers(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setMargins().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), MultiLayer(), resizeLayers(), rightMargin(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setMargins().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), getRows(), MultiLayer(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setRows().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), MultiLayer(), rowsSpacing(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), and setSpacing().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), MultiLayer(), resizeLayers(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), setMargins(), and topMargin().
private |
Referenced by arrangeLayers(), MultiLayer(), saveAsTemplate(), saveToString(), setAlignement(), and verticalAlignement().