Surface plot options dialog. More...
#include <Plot3DDialog.h>
Public Slots | |
void | accept () |
void | addSymbol (const QString &letter) |
QFont | axisFont (int axis) |
void | changeTransparency (int val) |
void | changeZoom (double) |
void | customWorksheetBtn (const QString &text) |
void | disableAxesOptions () |
void | disableGridOptions () |
void | disableLegend () |
void | disableMeshOptions () |
void | initPointsOptionsStack () |
QColor | pickAxesColor () |
void | pickAxisLabelFont () |
QColor | pickBgColor () |
void | pickDataColorMap () |
QColor | pickFromColor () |
QColor | pickGridColor () |
QColor | pickLabelColor () |
QColor | pickMeshColor () |
QColor | pickNumberColor () |
void | pickNumbersFont () |
QColor | pickTitleColor () |
void | pickTitleFont () |
QColor | pickToColor () |
QStringList | scaleOptions (int axis, double start, double end, const QString &majors, const QString &minors) |
void | setAxesFonts (const QFont &xf, const QFont &yf, const QFont &zf) |
void | setAxesLabels (const QStringList &list) |
void | setAxesTickLengths (const QStringList &list) |
void | setColors (const QColor &title, const QColor &mesh, const QColor &axes, const QColor &num, const QColor &label, const QColor &bg, const QColor &grid) |
void | setDataColors (const QColor &minColor, const QColor &maxColor) |
void | setLabelsDistance (int dist) |
void | setMeshLineWidth (double lw) |
void | setNumbersFonts (const QFont &f) |
void | setOrthogonal (bool on) |
void | setPlot (Graph3D *plot) |
void | setResolution (int r) |
void | setScales (const QStringList &list) |
void | setScaling (double xVal, double yVal, double zVal) |
void | setTitle (const QString &title) |
void | setTitleFont (const QFont &font) |
void | setTransparency (double t) |
void | setZoom (double zoom) |
void | showAxisTab () |
void | showBarsTab (double rad) |
void | showConesTab (double rad, int quality) |
void | showCrossHairTab (double rad, double linewidth, bool smooth, bool boxed) |
void | showGeneralTab () |
void | showLegend (bool show) |
void | showLowerGreek () |
void | showPointsTab (double rad, bool smooth) |
void | showTitleTab () |
void | showUpperGreek () |
bool | updatePlot () |
void | viewAxisOptions (int axis) |
void | viewScaleLimits (int axis) |
void | worksheet () |
Signals | |
void | adjustLabels (int) |
void | setDataColorMap (const QString &) |
void | setNumbersFont (const QFont &) |
void | setOrtho (bool) |
void | showColorLegend (bool) |
void | showWorksheet () |
void | updateBars (double) |
void | updateColors (const QColor &, const QColor &, const QColor &, const QColor &, const QColor &, const QColor &) |
void | updateCones (double, int) |
void | updateCross (double, double, bool, bool) |
void | updateDataColors (const QColor &, const QColor &) |
void | updateLabel (int, const QString &, const QFont &) |
void | updateMeshLineWidth (int) |
void | updatePoints (double, bool) |
void | updateResolution (int) |
void | updateScale (int, const QStringList &) |
void | updateScaling (double, double, double) |
void | updateTickLength (int, double, double) |
void | updateTitle (const QString &, const QColor &, const QFont &) |
void | updateTransparency (double) |
void | updateZoom (double) |
Public Member Functions | |
Plot3DDialog (QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WFlags fl=0) | |
~Plot3DDialog () |
Private Member Functions | |
void | initAxesPage () |
void | initColorsPage () |
void | initGeneralPage () |
void | initScalesPage () |
void | initTitlePage () |
Private Attributes | |
QWidget * | axes |
QColor | axesColor |
QGroupBox * | AxesColorGroupBox |
QListWidget * | axesList |
QListWidget * | axesList2 |
QWidget * | bars |
QColor | bgColor |
QLineEdit * | boxBarsRad |
QCheckBox * | boxBoxed |
QLineEdit * | boxConesRad |
QLineEdit * | boxCrossLinewidth |
QLineEdit * | boxCrossRad |
QCheckBox * | boxCrossSmooth |
QSpinBox * | boxDistance |
QLineEdit * | boxFrom |
QLineEdit * | boxLabel |
QCheckBox * | boxLegend |
QLineEdit * | boxMajorLength |
QSpinBox * | boxMajors |
QSpinBox * | boxMeshLineWidth |
QLineEdit * | boxMinorLength |
QSpinBox * | boxMinors |
QCheckBox * | boxOrthogonal |
QComboBox * | boxPointStyle |
QSpinBox * | boxQuality |
QSpinBox * | boxResolution |
QLineEdit * | boxSize |
QCheckBox * | boxSmooth |
QLineEdit * | boxTitle |
QLineEdit * | boxTo |
QSpinBox * | boxTransparency |
QComboBox * | boxType |
QDoubleSpinBox * | boxXScale |
QDoubleSpinBox * | boxYScale |
QDoubleSpinBox * | boxZoom |
QDoubleSpinBox * | boxZScale |
QPushButton * | btnAxes |
QPushButton * | btnBackground |
QPushButton * | btnColorMap |
QPushButton * | btnFromColor |
QPushButton * | btnGrid |
QPushButton * | btnLabelFont |
QPushButton * | btnLabels |
QPushButton * | btnMesh |
QPushButton * | btnNumbers |
QPushButton * | btnNumbersFont |
QPushButton * | btnTable |
QPushButton * | btnTitle |
QPushButton * | btnTitleColor |
QPushButton * | btnTitleFont |
QPushButton * | btnToColor |
QPushButton * | buttonApply |
QPushButton * | buttonAxisLowerGreek |
QPushButton * | buttonAxisUpperGreek |
QPushButton * | buttonCancel |
QPushButton * | buttonLowerGreek |
QPushButton * | buttonOk |
QPushButton * | buttonUpperGreek |
QWidget * | colors |
QWidget * | conesPage |
QWidget * | crossPage |
Graph3D * | d_plot |
QWidget * | dotsPage |
QColor | fromColor |
QWidget * | general |
QTabWidget * | generalDialog |
QColor | gridColor |
QColor | labelColor |
QStringList | labels |
QColor | meshColor |
QFont | numbersFont |
QColor | numColor |
QStackedWidget * | optionStack |
QWidget * | points |
QWidget * | scale |
QStringList | scales |
QStringList | tickLengths |
QGroupBox * | TicksGroupBox |
QWidget * | title |
QColor | titleColor |
QFont | titleFont |
QColor | toColor |
QFont | xAxisFont |
QFont | yAxisFont |
QFont | zAxisFont |
Surface plot options dialog.
Plot3DDialog::Plot3DDialog | ( | QWidget * | parent = 0 , |
Qt::WFlags | fl = 0 |
) |
References accept(), bars, btnTable, buttonApply, buttonCancel, buttonOk, generalDialog, initAxesPage(), initColorsPage(), initGeneralPage(), initScalesPage(), initTitlePage(), points, updatePlot(), and worksheet().
Plot3DDialog::~Plot3DDialog | ( | ) |
slot |
References updatePlot().
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
slot |
References axes, boxLabel, boxTitle, generalDialog, and title.
Referenced by showLowerGreek(), and showUpperGreek().
signal |
Referenced by initGeneralPage(), and updatePlot().
slot |
References xAxisFont, yAxisFont, and zAxisFont.
Referenced by updatePlot().
slot |
References colors, generalDialog, and updateTransparency().
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References boxXScale, boxYScale, boxZoom, boxZScale, general, generalDialog, updateScaling(), and updateZoom().
Referenced by initGeneralPage().
slot |
References btnTable.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References axes, AxesColorGroupBox, boxDistance, btnNumbersFont, generalDialog, and TicksGroupBox.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References btnGrid.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxLegend.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxMeshLineWidth, and btnMesh.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
private |
References axes, axesList, axesList2, boxLabel, boxMajorLength, boxMinorLength, btnLabelFont, buttonAxisLowerGreek, buttonAxisUpperGreek, generalDialog, pickAxisLabelFont(), showLowerGreek(), showUpperGreek(), viewAxisOptions(), and viewScaleLimits().
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
private |
References AxesColorGroupBox, boxTransparency, btnAxes, btnBackground, btnColorMap, btnFromColor, btnGrid, btnLabels, btnMesh, btnNumbers, btnToColor, changeTransparency(), colors, generalDialog, pickAxesColor(), pickBgColor(), pickDataColorMap(), pickFromColor(), pickGridColor(), pickLabelColor(), pickMeshColor(), pickNumberColor(), and pickToColor().
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
private |
References adjustLabels(), boxDistance, boxLegend, boxMeshLineWidth, boxOrthogonal, boxResolution, boxXScale, boxYScale, boxZoom, boxZScale, btnNumbersFont, changeZoom(), general, generalDialog, pickNumbersFont(), setOrtho(), showColorLegend(), updateMeshLineWidth(), and updateResolution().
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
slot |
References boxBoxed, boxConesRad, boxCrossLinewidth, boxCrossRad, boxCrossSmooth, boxPointStyle, boxQuality, boxSize, boxSmooth, conesPage, crossPage, dotsPage, generalDialog, optionStack, and points.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
private |
References axesList, boxFrom, boxMajors, boxMinors, boxTo, boxType, generalDialog, scale, and TicksGroupBox.
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
private |
References boxTitle, btnTitleColor, btnTitleFont, buttonLowerGreek, buttonUpperGreek, generalDialog, pickTitleColor(), pickTitleFont(), showLowerGreek(), showUpperGreek(), and title.
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
slot |
References axesColor.
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References axesList2, xAxisFont, yAxisFont, and zAxisFont.
Referenced by initAxesPage().
slot |
References bgColor.
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References Graph3D::colorMap(), d_plot, and setDataColorMap().
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References fromColor.
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References gridColor.
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References labelColor.
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References meshColor.
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References numColor.
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References numbersFont.
Referenced by initGeneralPage().
slot |
References titleColor.
Referenced by initTitlePage().
slot |
References titleFont.
Referenced by initTitlePage().
slot |
References toColor.
Referenced by initColorsPage().
slot |
References boxType, and scales.
Referenced by updatePlot().
slot |
References xAxisFont, yAxisFont, and zAxisFont.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxLabel, and labels.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxMajorLength, boxMinorLength, and tickLengths.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References axes, axesColor, bgColor, Graph::grid(), gridColor, labelColor, meshColor, numColor, title, and titleColor.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
signal |
Referenced by pickDataColorMap().
slot |
References fromColor, and toColor.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxDistance.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxMeshLineWidth.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
inlineslot |
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
signal |
Referenced by initGeneralPage().
inlineslot |
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
inlineslot |
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxResolution.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
slot |
References boxXScale, boxYScale, and boxZScale.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxTitle.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References titleFont.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxTransparency.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxZoom.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References generalDialog.
slot |
References bars, boxBarsRad, and generalDialog.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
signal |
Referenced by initGeneralPage(), and updatePlot().
slot |
References boxConesRad, boxPointStyle, boxQuality, and optionStack.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References boxBoxed, boxCrossLinewidth, boxCrossRad, boxCrossSmooth, boxPointStyle, and optionStack.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References general, and generalDialog.
slot |
References boxLegend.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References addSymbol(), and SymbolDialog::lowerGreek.
Referenced by initAxesPage(), and initTitlePage().
slot |
References boxPointStyle, boxSize, boxSmooth, and optionStack.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showPlot3dDialog().
slot |
References generalDialog.
Referenced by ApplicationWindow::showTitleDialog().
slot |
References addSymbol(), and SymbolDialog::upperGreek.
Referenced by initAxesPage(), and initTitlePage().
signal |
Referenced by worksheet().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by initGeneralPage(), and updatePlot().
slot |
References adjustLabels(), axes, axesColor, axesList, axesList2, axisFont(), bars, bgColor, boxBarsRad, boxBoxed, boxConesRad, boxCrossLinewidth, boxCrossRad, boxCrossSmooth, boxDistance, boxFrom, boxLabel, boxLegend, boxMajorLength, boxMajors, boxMeshLineWidth, boxMinorLength, boxMinors, boxPointStyle, boxQuality, boxResolution, boxSize, boxSmooth, boxTitle, boxTo, boxTransparency, boxXScale, boxYScale, boxZoom, boxZScale, colors, fromColor, general, generalDialog, gridColor, labelColor, labels, meshColor, numbersFont, numColor, points, scale, scaleOptions(), setNumbersFont(), showColorLegend(), title, titleColor, titleFont, toColor, updateBars(), updateColors(), updateCones(), updateCross(), updateDataColors(), updateLabel(), updateMeshLineWidth(), updatePoints(), updateResolution(), updateScale(), updateScaling(), updateTickLength(), updateTitle(), updateTransparency(), and updateZoom().
Referenced by accept(), and Plot3DDialog().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by initGeneralPage(), and updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by changeZoom(), and updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by changeTransparency(), and updatePlot().
signal |
Referenced by changeZoom(), and updatePlot().
slot |
References boxLabel, boxMajorLength, boxMinorLength, labels, and tickLengths.
Referenced by initAxesPage().
slot |
slot |
References showWorksheet().
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
private |
Referenced by addSymbol(), disableAxesOptions(), initAxesPage(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by pickAxesColor(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by disableAxesOptions(), and initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by initAxesPage(), initScalesPage(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initAxesPage(), pickAxisLabelFont(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by Plot3DDialog(), showBarsTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by pickBgColor(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by showBarsTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showCrossHairTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showConesTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showCrossHairTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showCrossHairTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showCrossHairTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by disableAxesOptions(), initGeneralPage(), setLabelsDistance(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initScalesPage(), setScales(), updatePlot(), and viewScaleLimits().
private |
Referenced by addSymbol(), initAxesPage(), setAxesLabels(), updatePlot(), and viewAxisOptions().
private |
Referenced by disableLegend(), initGeneralPage(), showLegend(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initAxesPage(), setAxesTickLengths(), updatePlot(), and viewAxisOptions().
private |
Referenced by initScalesPage(), setScales(), updatePlot(), and viewScaleLimits().
private |
Referenced by disableMeshOptions(), initGeneralPage(), setMeshLineWidth(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initAxesPage(), setAxesTickLengths(), updatePlot(), and viewAxisOptions().
private |
Referenced by initScalesPage(), setScales(), updatePlot(), and viewScaleLimits().
private |
Referenced by initGeneralPage().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showConesTab(), showCrossHairTab(), showPointsTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showConesTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initGeneralPage(), setResolution(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showPointsTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showPointsTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by addSymbol(), initTitlePage(), setTitle(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initScalesPage(), setScales(), updatePlot(), and viewScaleLimits().
private |
Referenced by initColorsPage(), setTransparency(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initScalesPage(), scaleOptions(), setScales(), and viewScaleLimits().
private |
Referenced by changeZoom(), initGeneralPage(), setScaling(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by changeZoom(), initGeneralPage(), setScaling(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by changeZoom(), initGeneralPage(), setZoom(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by changeZoom(), initGeneralPage(), setScaling(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by disableGridOptions(), and initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by initAxesPage().
private |
Referenced by initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by disableMeshOptions(), and initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by disableAxesOptions(), and initGeneralPage().
private |
Referenced by customWorksheetBtn(), and Plot3DDialog().
private |
private |
Referenced by initTitlePage().
private |
Referenced by initTitlePage().
private |
Referenced by initColorsPage().
private |
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
private |
Referenced by initAxesPage().
private |
Referenced by initAxesPage().
private |
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
private |
Referenced by initTitlePage().
private |
Referenced by Plot3DDialog().
private |
Referenced by initTitlePage().
private |
Referenced by changeTransparency(), initColorsPage(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack().
private |
Referenced by pickDataColorMap().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack().
private |
Referenced by pickFromColor(), setDataColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by changeZoom(), initGeneralPage(), showGeneralTab(), and updatePlot().
private |
private |
Referenced by pickGridColor(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by pickLabelColor(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by setAxesLabels(), updatePlot(), and viewAxisOptions().
private |
Referenced by pickMeshColor(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by pickNumbersFont(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by pickNumberColor(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), showConesTab(), showCrossHairTab(), and showPointsTab().
private |
Referenced by initPointsOptionsStack(), Plot3DDialog(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by initScalesPage(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by scaleOptions(), setScales(), and viewScaleLimits().
private |
Referenced by setAxesTickLengths(), and viewAxisOptions().
private |
Referenced by disableAxesOptions(), and initScalesPage().
private |
Referenced by addSymbol(), initTitlePage(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by pickTitleColor(), setColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by pickTitleFont(), setTitleFont(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by pickToColor(), setDataColors(), and updatePlot().
private |
Referenced by axisFont(), pickAxisLabelFont(), and setAxesFonts().
private |
Referenced by axisFont(), pickAxisLabelFont(), and setAxesFonts().
private |
Referenced by axisFont(), pickAxisLabelFont(), and setAxesFonts().