Public Member Functions |
void | fit () |
| Actually does the fit. Should be reimplemented in derived classes.
virtual QString | legendInfo () |
| Output string added to the plot as a new legend.
| PolynomialFit (ApplicationWindow *parent, Graph *g, int order=2, bool legend=false) |
| PolynomialFit (ApplicationWindow *parent, Graph *g, QString &curveTitle, int order=2, bool legend=false) |
| PolynomialFit (ApplicationWindow *parent, Graph *g, QString &curveTitle, double start, double end, int order=2, bool legend=false) |
double | chiSquare () |
| Returns the sum of squares of the residuals from the best-fit line.
Matrix * | covarianceMatrix (const QString &matrixName) |
double * | errors () |
| Returns a vector with the standard deviations of the results.
double | evaluate_d (const gsl_vector *x) |
int | evaluate_df (const gsl_vector *x, gsl_matrix *J) |
int | evaluate_f (const gsl_vector *x, gsl_vector *f) |
| Fit (ApplicationWindow *parent, Graph *g=0, const char *name=0) |
QString | formula () |
void | generateFunction (bool yes, int points=100) |
| Specifies weather the result of the fit is a function curve.
virtual void | guessInitialValues () |
int | numParameters () |
Table * | parametersTable (const QString &tableName) |
double * | results () |
| Returns a vector with the fit results.
double | rSquare () |
| Returns the coefficient of determination, R^2.
void | scaleErrors (bool yes=true) |
| Specifies wheather the errors must be scaled with sqrt(chi_2/dof)
void | setAlgorithm (Algorithm s) |
void | setDataCurve (int curve, double start, double end) |
void | setInitialGuess (int parIndex, double val) |
void | setInitialGuesses (double *x_init) |
bool | setYErrorSource (ErrorSource err, const QString &colName=QString::null, bool fail_silently=false) |
| Sets the data set to be used as source of Y errors.
| ~Fit () |
int | dataSize () |
| Returns the size of the fitted data set.
bool | error () |
| Filter (ApplicationWindow *parent, Table *t=0, const char *name=0) |
| Filter (ApplicationWindow *parent, Graph *g=0, const char *name=0) |
virtual bool | run () |
| Actually does the job. Should be reimplemented in derived classes.
void | setColor (int colorId) |
| Sets the color of the output fit curve.
void | setColor (const QString &colorName) |
| Sets the color of the output fit curve. Provided for convenience. To be used in scripts only!
bool | setDataFromCurve (const QString &curveTitle, Graph *g=0) |
bool | setDataFromCurve (const QString &curveTitle, double from, double to, Graph *g=0) |
void | setInterval (double from, double to) |
| Changes the data range if the source curve was already assigned. Provided for convenience.
void | setMaximumIterations (int iter) |
| Sets the maximum number of iterations to be performed during an iterative session.
void | setOutputPoints (int points) |
| Sets the number of points in the output curve.
void | setOutputPrecision (int digits) |
| Sets the precision used for the output.
void | setTolerance (double eps) |
| Sets the tolerance used by the GSL routines.
virtual void | showLegend () |
| Adds a new legend to the plot. Calls virtual legendInfo()
| ~Filter () |
| scripted (ScriptingEnv *env) |
void | scriptingChangeEvent (ScriptingChangeEvent *) |
| ~scripted () |
Additional Inherited Members |
enum | Algorithm { ScaledLevenbergMarquardt,
} |
enum | ErrorSource { UnknownErrors,
} |
typedef int(* | fit_function )(const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *) |
typedef int(* | fit_function_df )(const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_matrix *) |
typedef int(* | fit_function_fdf )(const gsl_vector *, void *, gsl_vector *, gsl_matrix *) |
typedef double(* | fit_function_simplex )(const gsl_vector *, void *) |
void | scriptError (const QString &message, const QString &script_name, int line_number) |
virtual void | generateFitCurve (double *par) |
| Adds the result curve to the plot.
void | insertFitFunctionCurve (const QString &name, double *x, double *y, int penWidth=1) |
| Adds the result curve as a FunctionCurve to the plot, if d_gen_function = true.
virtual QString | logFitInfo (double *par, int iterations, int status, const QString &plotName) |
| Output string added to the result log.
QwtPlotCurve * | addResultCurve (double *x, double *y) |
| Adds the result curve to the target output plot window. Creates a hidden table and frees the input data from memory.
virtual void | calculateOutputData (double *X, double *Y) |
| Calculates the data for the output curve and store it in the X an Y vectors.
int | curveIndex (const QString &curveTitle, Graph *g) |
| Performs checks and returns the index of the source data curve if OK, -1 otherwise.
virtual bool | isDataAcceptable () |
virtual QString | logInfo () |
| Output string added to the log pannel of the application.
virtual void | output () |
| Performs the data analysis and takes care of the output.
double | chi_2 |
| The sum of squares of the residuals from the best-fit line.
gsl_matrix * | covar |
| Covariance matrix.
fit_function_df | d_df |
fit_function | d_f |
fit_function_fdf | d_fdf |
QString | d_formula |
| The fit formula.
fit_function_simplex | d_fsimplex |
bool | d_gen_function |
| Specifies weather the result curve is a FunctionCurve or a normal curve with the same x values as the fit data.
int | d_p |
| Number of fit parameters.
QStringList | d_param_explain |
| Stores a list of short explanations for the significance of the fit parameters.
gsl_vector * | d_param_init |
| Initial guesses for the fit parameters.
QStringList | d_param_names |
| Names of the fit parameters.
double * | d_result_errors |
| Stores standard deviations of the result parameters.
double * | d_results |
| Stores the result parameters.
bool | d_scale_errors |
| Specifies wheather the errors must be scaled with sqrt(chi_2/dof)
Script * | d_script |
| Script used to evaluate user-defined functions.
Algorithm | d_solver |
| Algorithm type.
QString | d_y_error_dataset |
| The name of the dataset containing Y standard errors (if applicable).
ErrorSource | d_y_error_source |
| Where standard errors of the input data are taken from.
double * | d_y_errors |
| Standard deviations of Y input data.
bool | is_non_linear |
| Tells whether the fitter uses non-linear/simplex fitting with an initial parameters set, that must be freed in the destructor.
QwtPlotCurve * | d_curve |
| The curve to be analysed.
int | d_curveColorIndex |
| Color index of the result curve.
QString | d_explanation |
| String explaining the operation in the comment of the result table and in the project explorer.
double | d_from |
| Data interval.
Graph * | d_graph |
| The graph where the result curve should be displayed.
bool | d_init_err |
| Error flag telling if something went wrong during the initialization phase.
int | d_max_iterations |
| Maximum number of iterations per fit.
int | d_min_points |
| Minimum number of data points necessary to perform the operation.
int | d_n |
| Size of the data arrays.
int | d_points |
| Number of result points to de calculated and displayed in the output curve.
int | d_prec |
| Precision (number of significant digits) used for the results output.
bool | d_sort_data |
| Specifies if the filter needs sorted data as input.
Table * | d_table |
| A table source of data.
double | d_to |
double | d_tolerance |
| GSL Tolerance, if ever needed...
double * | d_x |
| x data set to be analysed
double * | d_y |
| y data set to be analysed
ScriptingEnv * | scriptEnv |